CC daily 26 – Madhya Lila 95-96 – Where there is natural attraction to Krishna there manifests Vrindavana

Published on Feb 24, 2015

CC Madhya 4.95
vraja-vasi lokera krsne sahaja piriti
gopalera sahaja-priti vraja-vasi-prati
The ideal place to execute Krsna consciousness is Vrajabhumi, or Vrndavana, where the people are naturally inclined to love Krsna and Krsna is naturally inclined to love them.

CC Madhya 4.96
maha-prasada khaila asiya saba loka
gopala dekhiya sabara khande duhkha-soka
Throngs of people came from different villages to see the Deity of Gopala, and they took maha-prasadam sumptuously. When they saw the superexcellent form of Lord Gopala, all their lamentation and unhappiness disappeared.
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