Hare Krishna Kirtan – Aindra Das 01

Published on May 15, 2014

The Hare Krishna mantra is a chant meant for enhancing consciousness to the greatest possible degree. Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra can give peace, happiness, God realization, freedom from repeated birth and death, and total self-fulfillment. Also known as the maha-mantra—great chant—it consists of three Sanskrit names of the Supreme Being; “Hare,” “Krishna,” and “Rama.”

The mantra is most commonly translated as, “O Lord, O Energy of the Lord, please engage me in Your service.” It was popularized in the sixteenth century by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and spread worldwide in the late twentieth century by Srila Prabhupada.

– See more at: http://harekrishnajapa.com/

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