Materialism is wrong and wrongheaded ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 29, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16, Text 09

Materialism, the idea that matter is all that exists, is on a mass seduction campaign nowadays, especially through the media. To see through its seduction, let’s analyze how it is wrong intellectually and wrongheaded practically.

Materialism is wrong intellectually because it cannot withstand logical scrutiny that starts with an objective study of the world. If matter were all that existed originally, as materialism assumes, why and how did conscious beings come into existence in a world of unconscious matter? Materialism asks us to believe that it somehow happened without offering any supportive evidence.

Materialism is wrongheaded because it sticks obstinately to wrong notions even in the face of decisive contrary evidence. Many people adopt materialism because it promises happiness in the here-and-now, primarily through sex and money. However, increasing sociological evidence is proving irrefutably that materialism is a liar. Its promise of erotic delights has given way to a nightmare of divorces, heartbreaks, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. Its promise of wealth has given way to the nightmare of constant financial insecurity for most people and an unending tormenting craving for more money among everyone, even the super-wealthy.

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