Waking up From the Nightmare of Death ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Aug 12, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 08, Text 20

“I will die one day.” We find such thoughts hard to stomach because our insides recoil and rebel at the prospect of our annihilation. We may try to evade the death sentence that hangs on our head by trying to do something that will guarantee us a place in the history books, hoping thereby to live on in the memories of people. However, time destroys relentlessly the memories, the people and even the history books.

Gita wisdom shows us a more realistic way out of our death sentence by revealing an arena beyond death. The Bhagavad-gita (08.20) directs our attention to another realm of existence that is free from the destructibility that mars our material realm.

Gita wisdom explains that death is a nightmare which we suffer only as long as we remain asleep in the materialistic conception of life. As soon as we wake up spiritually, we become aware of:

1. Our spiritual identity as invincible souls who can’t even be touched, leave alone destroyed, by anything material, even death.

2. Our spiritual glory as the beloved children of the all-attractive Supreme, Krishna, who is forever inviting us to a life of eternal love with him in his supreme abode.

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