Peeling the Cosmic Onion ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jun 03, 2014

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15, Text 20

Just as we need to peel off multiple covering layers to reach the essence of an onion, we need to peel of multiple covering layers to reach the essence of the cosmos.

Scientists are among today’s most prominent cosmic onion peelers; using their material tools and techniques, they peel the panorama of material phenomena to seek an underlying order. Yet their search, even if successful, is profoundly, permanently incomplete; their particles, forces and laws hardly relate with the emotion, experience and love that are the driving realities of our daily lives.

Gita wisdom recommends a more realisticapproach to cosmic onion peeling:”Begin the enquiry with that which all of us know really exists: our own consciousness.”After all, consciousness is the necessary reality that enables us to do any enquiry at all. Because material science focuses only on matter and neglects consciousness, itspeeling fails to reach consciousness.
However, if we start with consciousness, as do spiritual scientists, the Bhagavad-gita (13.31) indicates the reality that we will discover: underlying the variety of matter is the uniformity of spirit, the source of all consciousness.


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