The Vice of The Wise ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Aug 21, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14, Text 06

We often think of those with developed intellect as wise. We may even see a developed intellect as an indicator, or at least a facilitator, of spiritual advancement. No doubt, a developed intellect can aid in studying books, memorizing quotes, analysing ideas, grasping concepts and verbalizing thoughts — all of which can aid deep philosophical understanding. However, this is not enough for spiritual advancement.

Gita wisdom states that the intellectual faculty belongs not to the spiritual level, but to the material level, albeit a subtle material one. Like everything material, the intellect can be a double-edged sword; it can take us towards Krishna or away from him. The Bhagavad-gita indicates that a developed intellect is a symptom of the mode of goodness. It also cautions (14.06) that this mode binds intellectuals by inducing in them a sense of intellectual superiority.

They can often expertly justify their views to others, especially those with a lesser intellect. However, despite their expertise, their views don’t necessarily reflect reality because their views arise not from scriptural revelation but from personal speculation. Their developed intellect makes them dependent, even insistent, on such speculation; they dismiss submissive scriptural study as naïve and demeaning. They fail to realize that submissive scriptural study within a faithful tradition can connect them with Krishna, who is the supreme source of all wisdom, including their own. Due to their addiction to speculation and their rejection of tradition, they rarely understand reality holistically.


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