Let the spare wheel become the steering wheel (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 13, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 08, Text 07

The demands and desires of our material life frequently press on us so insistently that our devotional life gets pushed to the background of our consciousness. We subconsciously treat our Krishna-connection like a spare wheel for the drive of life: “It’s important; I need to give it time — but not right now. If things don’t work out in my material life, then my Krishna consciousness is my backup plan.”

We will benefit by connecting with Krishna at any level. Still, to realize our life’s full potential, we need to give our Krishna-connection its due priority. We need to elevate it from the position of a spare wheel to that of a steering wheel. This essentially means that we make our Krishna-connection the central pivot of our life, the foremost focus around which we harmonize all our life’s decisions. The Bhagavad-gita points to this when it (08.07) urges us to first fix our minds on Krishna and then shoulder our necessary worldly responsibilities.

We may doubt: “Won’t this distract me from my worldly obligations and aspirations?”

Read More – http://www.gitadaily.com/2012/05/09/let-the-spare-wheel-become-the-steering-wheel/

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