A Business That Is More Serious Than Business, Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Sep 20, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 41

We take few things as seriously as business. Moneyusually makes the lazy busy; the frivolous serious; the nonconformists conformists.

In marked contrastto our zealous pursuit of money is our casual pursuit of devotion. We frequently use the reason “I didn’t feel like doing it” to explain why we didn’t stick to our devotional commitments. Would we use that reason for explaining why we didn’t stick to our professional commitments? Rarely, if ever.
If we consider financial matters too important to be left to our mind’s feelings, then why do we consider spiritual matters less important?

It is due to our spiritual shortsightedness; we are unable to see beyond our short-term this-life concerns to our long-term next-life concerns.
Gita wisdom helps cure our myopia by clearly explaining how we are not our bodies but are souls on a multi-life journey. We take money seriously because we often think that it is a matter of life or death. The Gita’s multi-life perspective enables us to see why the pursuit of devotion is a business more serious than business: devotion is a matter of eternal life or repeated deaths. If we cultivate devotion seriously, we return to Krishna’s eternal abode. If we don’t, we continue in the cycle of birth and death for many, many lifetimes — till the time we take devotion seriously.


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