Am I convinced that the prize is greater than the price (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 13, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 06, Text 25

“Yet again I failed to keep my resolution! I will never be able to achieve self-mastery.” The mind may dishearten us with haunting thoughts like these when we repeatedly fail in our inner struggles.
Such a discouraging mind can be silenced, the Bhagavad-gita (6.25) indicates,by the conviction of our intelligence (buddhya dhriti-grihitaya). How can we develop this intellectual conviction?

By calmly contemplating the Gita’s central message that we are souls who can attain real happiness only by curbing our material desires and striving to lovingly serve Krishna. Self-mastery essentially means redirecting our heart from the material level to the spiritual level. Thus, self-mastery demands a price — giving up material enjoyment — and delivers a prize — gaining spiritual happiness.

Contemplation on Gita wisdom grants us general conviction in the goal of self-mastery. However, our conviction weakens when we make specific resolutions for achieving that self-mastery, because, then, the mind starts whispering, “The price is too much for the prize.”

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