Bhagavatam-daily 102 – Canto-11, Chapter-08, Text-18 – Don’t underestimate the danger of sonic temptation

Published on Jan 23, 2015

SB 11.8.18
jusan gramyani yositam
asam kridanako vasya
rsyasrngo mrgi-sutah

Becoming attracted to the worldly singing, dancing and musical entertainment of beautiful women, even the great sage Rsyasrnga, the son of a deer, fell totally under their control, just like a pet animal.

Rsyasrnga was intentionally brought up by his father in an atmosphere of complete innocence. The father thought that if his son were never exposed to the sight of women he would always remain a perfect brahmacari. But by chance the inhabitants of the neighboring kingdom, who were suffering from a long-term drought, received divine advice that rain would return to their kingdom only after the brahmana named Rsyasrnga stepped foot in it. Therefore they sent beautiful women to Rsyasrnga’s hermitage to entice him and bring him back with them. Since Rsyasrnga had never even heard about women, he easily fell for their trap.

The name Rsyasrnga indicates that the young sage was born with a deerlike horn growing out of his forehead. If like the deer a rsi becomes attracted to sweet musical sounds promising sense gratification, then like the deer he is quickly vanquished. A thoughtful person should humbly take instruction from the deer, who is doomed by attraction to musical sense gratification.

[To hear more on this verse, visit –]

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