Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s contributions 2 – See the unity of purpose

Published on Jun 27, 2014

“When we have occasion to be present at the place of worship of other
religionists at the time of their worship, we should stay there in a
respectful mood, contemplating thus: ‘Here is being worshiped my
adorable highest entity God, in a different form than that of mine.
Due to a different practice of a different kind, I cannot thoroughly
comprehend this system of theirs. But seeing it, I am feeling a
greater attachment for my own system. God is one. I bow down before
His emblem as I see here and offer my prayer to my Lord who has
adopted this different emblem so that He may increase my love toward
Him in the form that is acceptable for me.”

– Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Chaitanya Shikshamrita

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