Gita 03.23 – Walk your talk

Published on Dec 29, 2014

Bg 3.23
yadi hy aham na varteyam
jatu karmany atandritah
mama vartmanuvartante
manusyah partha sarvasah

For if I ever failed to engage in carefully performing prescribed duties, O Partha, certainly all men would follow My path.

In order to keep the balance of social tranquillity for progress in spiritual life, there are traditional family usages meant for every civilized man. Although such rules and regulations are for the conditioned souls and not Lord Krsna, because He descended to establish the principles of religion He followed the prescribed rules. Otherwise, common men would follow in His footsteps, because He is the greatest authority. From the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is understood that Lord Krsna was performing all the religious duties at home and out of home, as required of a householder.

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