Govind Datta by Kiran Mataji

Published on Aug 19, 2014

He belonged to the lineage of Lord Chaitanya. Govinda Datta was the principal singer in Lord Chaitanya’s kirtana party (Cc 1.10.64).  He was one of the Devotees who took part in kirtana with Lord Chaitanya in front of the Ratha cart of Lord Jagannatha (Cc. 2.13.37,73).  According to Vasinavacaradarpana his Shripata was at Sukhchara on the bank of the Ganges in district Twenty-four Parganas, between Khaddaha and Panihati, where the Deities of Shri Shri Nitai Gauranga were installed by Govinda himself.  This Temple now lies within the precinct of the Devalaya owned by Mahendranatha Chattopadhyaya, who spent a considerable amount for the upkeep of the Temple and Deva-seva Govinda Datta spent the final stage of his life in Vrindavana. – See more at:

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