How I Came to Krishna Consciousness by H G Siddhi Lalasa Devi Dasi

Published on Mar 31, 2014

Siddhi lalasa Devi Dasi came to ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) in 1982 in Mauritius and is now based in Mumbai, India. She is a disciple of Giriraja Swami. She studied mostly under her spiritual master and other sannyasis such as Bhakti Caitanya Swami, but also under VIHE ( teachers like Bhurijana Dasa. She has been a book distributor, congregation and youth preacher, publisher of temple magazines, and a teacher. She has taught for both the MI and VIHE, and for temples in Mauritius, Bombay, the US and South Africa. She has compiled a book, Vedic Philosophy for Students, that was published by BBT Bombay (
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