ISKCON Chowpatty Mangal Aarti Darshan, 6 Feb 2014

Published on Feb 06, 2014

I want to dance, I want to chant!
Ohh! Holy Names at Chowpatty land!
At Mangala Arati before Gopinath!
Ohh! My life is now so fortunate!
Glance of Sri Gopinath – Master of senses,
Yes, He’s there, on the Altar in front of my eyes!
Smiling face, charming glance, 3 bending form!
Ohh! His lotus feet are now my true home!
Chant! Chant! Please loudly chant the Names!
Oh dear Vaishnav, hear, hear Krishna is Yours!
Dancing on your tongue, entering to our hearts,
Making us to jump, loudly cry & dance!
I pray “oh Radha Gopinath, I am Yours! I am Yours! I am Yours!
Please, use Your servant as Your tool,
In the service of Devotees & all!!!
