Kirtan legendary – Agnideva Prabhu Interview on 8th March 2014 Mayapur

Published on Apr 14, 2014

Alvin Marsden (Agnideva das) had set aside his material desire to be a famous singer/songwriter when he joined the spiritual path that captured his heart (Bhakti Yoga). He dovetailed his propensity for making music into joyfully singing kirtan (call and response singing of mantras). Using his talent, and without material desire, in time he did become famous—not as a pop/rock singer, but as a kirtaniya (kirtan leader). And Krishna, out of affection for His devotee, fulfilled his long-time desire to sing with the musical inspiration of his youth, Stevie Wonder. He is a disciple of His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada.

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