Krishna is Not Just God he is My God ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Aug 15, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10, Text 08

The belief that God exists is good. But much higher is the recognition that Krishna is God in his highest manifestation. Still higher is Krishna’s enthronement in our heart as “my God.”

Gita wisdom leads us towards this ultimate spiritual summit. The Bhagavad-gita (10.08) states that those who understand Krishna’s supreme position become wise and worship him with all the emotions of their heart. A significant point in this verseis the sequence: the understanding of Krishna’s supreme position engenders, facilitates and reinforces devotion to him.

This sequence counters the assumptions underlying karma-kanda and jnana-kanda. In karma-kanda, people worship different demigods to get some material benefits. Such people may say that this demigod is “my god,” but their statement is largely sentimental and is philosophically unfounded. Some such philosophically uninformed people may apply theterm “my god” to a god-man, a politician or even a sportstar or a moviestar — anyone who provides material benefits. The sequence of this Gita verse reveals how a devotee’s acceptance of Krishna as “my god” is not similarly sentimental or utilitarian; it grows from a thorough philosophical understanding of Krishna’s supremacy.

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