Krishna speaks about his glories not to prove his position but to improve our disposition (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 08, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10, Text 08

Some people ask: “Why does Krishna insist repeatedly in the Bhagavad-gita readers that he is God? Why does he need to prove his position?”

Because he wants to improve our disposition.

If we feel that Krishna is obsessed with his position, then the counter-evidence stares into our face each time we look at any standard picture of Krishna speaking the Gita. Krishna is situated in the menial position of a charioteer. That’s a position a status-obsessed person would find nightmarish and never choose voluntarily. Yet Krishna freely and joyfully accepts that position on the request of Arjuna because it enables him to serve and love his devotee.

Love is Krishna’s primary concern — that’s what he relishes in his own abode eternally, wherein his pastimes of love flood everyone with supreme ecstasy.

Krishna’s love is so great that it is not limited to those who love him, but also extends to those who do not love him — to all of us who are missing out an eternal life of love with him. To invite us to that life, he descends and demonstrates his pastimes. But due to our preconceptions, we mistake his pastimes to be ordinary, as just some stories for entertainment.

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