Might my own thing not be my own thing (Gita daily)

Published on Oct 08, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 10, Text 10

Many people reject discipline: “I want to be free to do my own thing.”

Our aspiration to be free is natural and laudable. But we need to consider: is my own thing actually my own thing?
What we call ‘my own thing’ usually comes not from us, but from the world. The current materialistic culture parades before us an array of fashions — hairstyles, dress-styles and lifestyles, for example. Some of these catch our fancy, and we anoint them as ‘my own thing’. Over time their charm fades and we transfer the title ‘my own thing’ to some other things from society’s unending gallery of glamor. Thus the purported freedom to do ‘my own thing’ ends up as slavish capitulation to the culture’s dictation.

All of us are unique — spiritually and materially. Spiritually, we are all distinct parts of the all-attractive Supreme Being Krishna. And materially we all have distinctive blends of attitudes and aptitudes that make us who we are. If we distance ourselves from the culture’s infatuating propaganda, we get the reprieve to observe ourselves.

Read More – http://www.gitadaily.com/2013/10/08/might-my-own-thing-not-be-my-own-thing/

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