Might we be devaluing sex by glamorizing it? Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 26, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 07, Text 11

Our contemporary culture constantly glamorizes sex through gaudy images permeated with sexual undertones and overtones. Due to this incessant glamorization of sex, most people live perpetually in a state of artificial sexual stimulation; sex tends to be a perennial top-ranker in their wish list.

Paradoxically, the more people glamorize sex in their imagination, the more they devalue it in real life. This devaluation takes two forms:
1. An increasingly utilitarian approach to sex: Many people, often unmarried, indulge in sex casually just for getting a temporary high or, more frequently, just for temporarily getting rid of a tormenting urge.

2. An increasing feeling of emptiness in the experience of sex: Many people find the actual sexual experience disappointing and even boring because the experienced pleasure always turns out to be pale and stale when contrasted with the fantasized pleasure.

Gita wisdom offers a fascinating insight on sex. The Bhagavad-gita (07.11) states that sex, when performed in harmony with natural spiritual principles, is an opportunity to experience the divine. Sex offers humans the divine pleasure of assisting God in bringing new life into the world.

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