News – Affcap Meeting With Rajasthan’s Minister Of Cow Protection

Published on Feb 23, 2015

Recently, AFFCAP met with Mr. Otaram Devasi, the Honourable Minister in Charge of Cow Affairs (Gaupalan) for the State of Rajasthan. In addition, Mr. Amra Choudhary, Rajasthan’s Revenue Minister and Mr. Ashok Shekhar, Additional Chief Secretary of the Devsthan Department, and Mr. Manish Goyal, Mr. Devasi’s Executive Secretary, attended the meeting.

AFFCAP was represented by Pancaratna das, Managing Trustee, Mr. Vineet Pande, Membership Director, Mr. Manglam Ram Patel, Chief Gaushala Inspector, along with Vyapaka das, AFFCAP Executive Secretary.

The gathering had no specific agenda and was meant to introduce the Honorable Ministers to the activities and scope of the Ahimsa Foundation for Cattle Protection (AFFCAP).

The Honorable Mr. Devasi was suitably impressed with AFFCAP’S objectives that he requested a proposal on a pilot project to begin identifying cows beginning with one Gaupalan district in Rajasthan. The district being considered contains 284 gaushalas supporting a population of 50,000 government-registered cows.

Based on his experience, our Chief Gaushala Inspector, Mr. Manglam Ram Patel, estimates that the gaushalas registered with the Government amounts to 25%, or less, of existing establishments. The reason for this is their ignorance of the government schemes available. As an example, registered gaushalas are eligible for financial support for fodder, but many are unaware of the program.

Presently, AFFCAP is formulating a proposal for a Pilot Project with the goal of identifying this region’s registered cows. According to Ministry records, there is presently over one and a half million cows officially registered in government programs throughout the State.

Of course, the devil is in the detail, but we will report back regarding our success or failure in designing and implementing the Ahimsa Verification Program throughout these first 284 gaushalas.

The members of AFFCAP are both humbled and enlivened by this new and exciting opportunity and wish to publicly thank the Honorable Minister Devasi for the opportunity he is providing to AFFCAP’s cow protection efforts.
[For more details, visit –]

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