News – Almost 9 Million Srila Prabhupada Books Distributed in 2014

Published on Feb 04, 2015

In 2014, ISKCON’s worldwide book distribution increased 10% over 2013, with almost nine million books distributed, the best year since 1996.

It is in India is where the biggest amount of books has been distributed, 5,355,465 of the 8,913,251total books handed out in 2014. For the past eight years New Delhi has had the honor of being the No. 1 book distributor temple worldwide, but Mayapur was always close behind. This year Mayapur moved ahead and became the No. 1! Mayapur’s score in 2014 is 1,410,295 book points – is the biggest score in the history of ISKCON.

Good news about the Prabhupada Marathon: although one can hardly ever hear about Govindadvipa, an small island temple in Ireland, devotees there went for the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and did 10,226 book points. Also, Bhaktivedanta Manor did a huge marathon, with 74,253 book points, fired up by Visvambara Das and Sutapa Das.

In the USA Bhrgupati Das was pouring out the books. Although he’s 63, he scored 13,326 book points. In Nairobi a team of ladies inspires everyone else to distribute books, and the devotees did 33,288 book points, a thousand-percent increase.

In Russia two enthusiastic temples, Moscow-Jaganatha and the Moscow temple, did 75,360 book points and 62,796 book points, respectively. Both did huge, and they remind me of the two main Delhi temples.

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