News – Fifty Padayatras to Celebrate ISKCON’s Fiftieth Anniversary

Published on Dec 11, 2014

ISKCON’s Padayatra Ministry has been active since its creation in 1991, and padayatras (walking festivals, usually with bullock carts) are still happening today in different parts of the world.

Less talks definitely does not mean less walks. The immediate goal of the Ministry is to celebrate ISKCON’s 50th birthday with 50 padayatras, starting from March 2014 till the end of 2016. The Ministry is inviting all the devotees worldwide to participate in this glorification of ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada.

This goal of 50 padayatras is very feasible, as Padayatra is basically a low-cost project of variable duration that can be carried out in many different styles – a one man venture like Bhaktimarga Swami in Canada; a weekend padayatra as an outing for the congregation around your city or a farm; a summer padayatra; an annual walk or a continental or trans-continental walk.

Padayatra can be done in different ways, according to the geography of the country, the devotees’ available time, resources and manpower: with or without a bullock cart, with a horse to pull the cart, or just as an extended harinama.

Get more ideas, tips and practical guidelines from the Padayatra website :

Check out recent reports from different countries, the Padayatra manual (how to organise a padayatra), padayatra newsletters, updates on the 50 padayatras project, worldwide schedules and contacts, photo gallery, videos and films and padayatra songs.,4671/

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