News – ISKCON Prison Ministry Turns Lives Around

Published on Dec 13, 2014

Prison inmates, who have hit rock bottom in their pursuit of material happiness and have plenty of time to think about their choices and the real purpose of life, are one of the most receptive and enthusiastic audiences to Krishna consciousness.

Since relaunching in 2009 under director and full-time volunteer Bhakti-lata Dasi, the U.S. branch of ISKCON Prison Ministry has been reaching more and more of this audience throughout the country’s correctional system.

And with another year reaching its end, the results are purely inspirational. With December still to go, Bhakti-lata’s office in Alachua, Florida alone has sent out 3,020 pieces of devotional literature to inmates, consisting mostly of Srila Prabhupada’s books as well as Back to Godhead magazines and books by other devotee authors.

She has also sent out pictures, calendars, sacred neck beads, over 200 spiritual CDs and DVDs (which inmates are often allowed to play in their chapels) and nearly 100 sets of japa beads. And she would have sent out a lot more, she explains, if many prisons didn’t ban beads because of their possible use as weapons.

Meanwhile other ISKCON Prison Ministry volunteers in ten other U.S. states have also been sending inmates many more books, spiritual accessories, and of course letters explaining the basics of Krishna consciousness and answering questions on spiritual life.

“I estimate that this year about 500 inmates received one or more letters from IPM volunteers in the USA,” says Bhakti-lata, who also includes a picture and a transcript of one of Srila Prabhupada’s lectures with each letter.

Inspired by the letters and books they read, inmates begin to attend programs arranged by ISKCON devotees in prisons all over the country – currently, devotees in Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, and Utah all hold regular programs.

These usually consist of a kirtan, an arati if allowed, a Bhagavad-gita lecture with time for questions, japa chanting time, and some prasadam distribution when allowed – often just some fruit or candy.

Meanwhile Chandra Das not only organizes weekly Krishna conscious programs at the Snake River Correctional Institution in Oregon where he works, but also engages inmates and prison employees in caring for “Radharani’s garden,” where they grow flowers to offer to Krishna.

There are, of course, very active prison programs beyond the U.S. too. Chandramauli Swami and others hold programs at prisons in Brazil, Chile, Bosnia, Croatia, and Slovenia; Krishna-kripa Das in Spain holds regular programs for which he’s allowed to cook full opulent prasadam feasts in the prison kitchen; and there are also very active prison programs in India, Spain, Australia and other countries.

Inmates especially inspired by Krishna consciousness also organize their own weekly programs in a room of their prison chapel.

“There are dozens of such programs going on in U.S. prisons at the moment,” Bhakti-lata says. “Some of them really blossom. In Petersburg, Virginia, for example, Bhakta Richard started a program three years ago that now regularly draws 20 to 25 inmates.”

These programs, along with the letters and books they receive, have a major impact on inmates’ lives. Two inmates who work in a prison kitchen offer every vegetarian dish they make so that the whole prison has prasadam (sanctified food offered to Krishna). Other inmates prepare taffee in their cell from hot water and the small cream containers they receive, then offer it and distribute it to other inmates regularly.

Many write letters to ISKCON Prison Ministry that positively glow with realization and gratitude.

“Thank you for the books Life comes from Life and Chanting Hare Krsna,” wrote Bhakta Joel S. from Coaltownship, Pennsylvania. “They are beautiful. I love Prabhupada’s books. I love how they are put together, illustrated, organized; I love everything about them, especially Krishna’s mercy which flows freely from them.”

“I want to be with Krishna and bask in Krishna’s love, and light,” wrote Bryant Mau from Corcoran, California. “As I write now I listen to the sounds of my soul and I know Krishna is in my heart, I can feel it. I want to dance and chant.”

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