Srimad Bhagavatam

Published on Jul 17, 2014

Quote from Today’s Srimad Bhagavatam Class By H.G.Sridama Prabhu
SB 10.47.44
apy eṣyatīha dāśārhas
taptāḥ sva-kṛtayā śucā
sañjīvayan nu no gātrair
yathendro vanam ambudaiḥ
Word for word:
api — whether; eṣyati — He will come; iha — here; dāśārhaḥ — Kṛṣṇa, the descendant of Daśārha; taptāḥ — who are tormented; sva-kṛtayā — by His own doing; śucā — with sorrow; sañjīvayan — bringing back to life; nu — perhaps; naḥ — us; gātraiḥ — with (the touch of) His limbs; yathā — as; indraḥ — Lord Indra; vanam — a forest; ambudaiḥ — with clouds.
Will that descendant of Daśārha return here and by the touch of His limbs bring back to life those who are now burning with the grief He Himself has caused? Will He save us in that way, just as Lord Indra brings a forest back to life with his water-bearing clouds?

SB 10.47.45
kasmāt kṛṣṇa ihāyāti
prāpta-rājyo hatāhitaḥ
narendra-kanyā udvāhya
prītaḥ sarva-suhṛd-vṛtaḥ
Word for word:
kasmāt — why; kṛṣṇaḥ — Kṛṣṇa; iha — here; āyāti — will come; prāpta — having attained; rājyaḥ — a kingdom; hata — having killed; ahitaḥ — His enemies; nara-indra — of kings; kanyāḥ — the daughters; udvāhya — after marrying; prītaḥ — happy; sarva — by all; suhṛt — His well-wishers; vṛtaḥ — surrounded.
But why should Kṛṣṇa come here after winning a kingdom, killing His enemies and marrying the daughters of kings? He’s satisfied there, surrounded by all His friends and well-wishers.

SB 10.47.46
kim asmābhir vanaukobhir
anyābhir vā mahātmanaḥ
śrī-pater āpta-kāmasya
kriyetārthaḥ kṛtātmanaḥ
Word for word:
kim — what; asmābhiḥ — with us; vana — the forest; okobhiḥ — whose residence; anyābhiḥ — with other women; vā — or; mahā-ātmanaḥ — for the exalted personality (Kṛṣṇa); śrī — of the goddess of fortune; pateḥ — for the husband; āpta-kāmasya — whose desires are already completely fulfilled; kriyeta — is to be served; arthaḥ — purpose; kṛta-ātmanaḥ — for Him who is complete in Himself.
The great soul Kṛṣṇa is the Lord of the goddess of fortune, and He automatically achieves whatever He desires. How can we forest-dwellers or any other women fulfill His purposes when He is already fulfilled within Himself?

Although the gopīs lamented that Kṛṣṇa was associating with the city women in Mathurā, they now realize that as the absolute Personality of Godhead, He has no need for any women. It is out of His causeless mercy that He awards His association to His loving devotees.
