Scared of the Sacred (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 13, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 08, Text 07

Some of us may be held back in our spiritual quest by the subconscious apprehension that the advanced, sacred states of spiritual realization may be too difficult to attain or sustain. We may fear that the constant devotional remembrance of Krishna, as recommended repeatedly in the Bhagavad-gita, may be too unrealistic to attain. And even if attained, we may suspect that it may be too impractical to sustain; it might make us too other-worldly, thereby damaging our worldly positions and prospects. Thus, we may be scared of the sacred.

Our fear originates in a misconception about the requisites for reaching the spiritually advanced, sacred states of consciousness. The Gita doesn’t recommend a permanent withdrawal from the world for the sake of enlightenment; rather it recommends (8.7) that enlightened vision permeate and motivate our action in the world.

According to the Gita, the sacred is to be found not just in the silent sanctuary of our inner heart, but also in the thick of action in the outer world. If we have an enlightened service attitude, then we can see the material-seeming ups and downs of life as demonstrations of spiritual truths andas expressions of Krishna’s love in action.

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