Somewhere in the Gulf

Published on Feb 20, 2015

An intriguing and inspiring new documentary by French filmmaker Vasudeva Das takes viewers into the world’s largest Bhakti Vriksha community, comprising of multiple Krishna conscious congregational groups.

The twist? It’s located in the Persian Gulf, in a country whose name is withheld due to its laws against public exhibition and propagation of non-Islamic practices. Hence the documentary’s enigmatic title – “Somewhere in the Gulf.”

The hour-long film, shot over March and April last year, tells the story of how Indian expatriates Vijay Venugopal Das and his wife Prema Padmini Dasi began their Bhakti Vriksha community in 1988 by holding small Krishna conscious programs in their home.

Vasudeva’s film, hosted by the informative and amicable Frenchman, takes us inside the Bhakti Vriksha groups that have created this astonishing phenomenon.
Watch all Vasudeva’s films here:
