Spiritual enforcement reaches where legal enforcement doesn’t ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 26, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 13, Text 23

Corruption, crime, cruelty — these are increasing by the day. Faced with this spiral, the law enforcement agencies are often not only overworked, but also under-staffed. After all, the law enforcers will always be outnumbered by the citizens. Worse still, many times the law-enforcers themselves become law-breakers. Supervisors may be appointed to watch the law-enforcers, but who will oversee those supervisors? When everybody is corruptible, where will the hierarchical ladder of supervisors rest?

Nowhere, if people limit themselves to a materialist view of life.
But this restriction is not mandatory. Gita wisdom explains that if we free ourselves from materialism, the rest for this ladder will become self-evident: Krishna, the supreme supervisor of all supervisors. The Bhagavad-gita (13.23) indicates that Krishna resides in the heart of all of us as the overseer and permitter (upadrashta anumanta ca).

When we become aware of the presence of Krishna in our own hearts, that awareness reinforces our conscience and checks us from our own immoral impulses. The check comes in two primary ways. Initially it comes as fear, when we wish to avoid the negative karmic consequences resulting from immoral actions. Eventually it comes as love, when we wish to attain eternal love for Krishna, an attainment that preliminarily requires moral conduct. Thus, our awareness of Krishna makes us our own policepersons protecting us from ourselves.

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