Srimad Bhagavatam Canto-06, Chapter-16, Text-38 By H.G Devakinandan Prabhu at ISKCON Juhu on 25th December 2014

Published on Dec 25, 2014

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto-06, Chapter-16, Text-38
visaya-trso nara-pasavo
ya upasate vibhutir na param tvam
tesam asisa isa
tad anu vinasyanti yatha raja-kulam

Translation by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
O Lord, O Supreme, unintelligent persons who thirst for sense enjoyment and who worship various demigods are no better than animals in the human form of life. Because of their animalistic propensities, they fail to worship Your Lordship, and instead they worship the insignificant demigods, who are but small sparks of Your glory. With the destruction of the entire universe, including the demigods, the benedictions received from the demigods also vanish, just like the nobility when a king is no longer in power.

Purport by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada:
Bhagavad-gita (7.20) says, kamais tais tair hrta jñanah prapadyante ’nya-devatah: “Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto the demigods.” Similarly, this verse condemns worship of the demigods. We may show our respect to the demigods, but the demigods are not worshipable. The intelligence of those who worship the demigods is lost (hrta jñanah) because these worshipers do not know that when the entire material cosmic manifestation is annihilated, the demigods, who are the departmental heads of that manifestation, will be vanquished. When the demigods are vanquished, the benedictions given by the demigods to unintelligent men will also be vanquished. Therefore a devotee should not hanker to obtain material opulence by worshiping the demigods, but should engage in the service of the Lord, who will satisfy all his desires.

akamah sarva-kamo va
moksa-kama udara-dhih
tivrena bhakti-yogena
yajeta purusam param

“Whether full of all material desires, free from material desires or desiring liberation, a person who has broader intelligence must by all means worship the supreme whole, the Personality of Godhead.” (Bhag. 2.3.10) This is the duty of a perfect human being. One who has the shape of a human being but whose actions are nothing but those of an animal is called nara-pasu or dvipada-pasu, a two-legged animal. A human being who is not interested in Krsna consciousness is condemned herewith as a nara-pasu.

[To hear more on this verse, visit –]

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