The amazing nature of Krishna’s love (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 20, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 04, Text 09 The Bhagavad-gita (04.09) makes the remarkable claim that when we understand Krishna’s appearance and activities in truth, we will attain liberation. Central to understanding this claim is the key word in this verse: tattvatah, in truth. Many of the people who know Krishna treat him as amusing — especially in his childhood pranks like stealing butter. However, the tattvatah understanding, the philosophical vision given in the Gita, helps us see Krishna in truth, as what he actually is: as God himself. We understand that God has, casting aside his godhood, taken on the role of a sweet and playful child just to reciprocate love with those who love him. Isn’t it amazing that God who is the eternal and ultimate father of all becomes a tender child for the sake of love? Isn’t it even more amazing that God renounces that which everyone in this world longs to have — the majesty of godhood — just to relish the intimacy of love? And isn’t it most amazing that God, though he has the love of billions and billions of his devotees, considers our love for him as so invaluable and irreplaceable and indispensable that he personally descends to this world to invite us with his love-call? Read More –

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