The Eye to See The I ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Aug 21, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15, Text 10

We see not with our eyes but with our knowledge. Where our eyes see a line graph curved sharply downwards, our knowledge of economics helps us see a recession. It is our knowledge that enables us to make sense of the shapes and colors that our eyes show us.

We accept and apply this principle of seeing with our knowledge frequently in our daily life. Scientists too apply this principlewith equal, if not more, frequency in their research. They see the bent trajectory of a light ray and see in the vicinity an invisible objectwith a super-strong gravity pull: a black hole.

Gita wisdom urges us to apply this principle in our spiritual life too. The Bhagavad-gita (15.10) states that we can see the soul with jnana-chakshu, the eye of knowledge. This knowledge is provided by the Gita itselfin multiple ways:

1. Objective analysis of the differences between the body and the soul (chapter two)

2. Methodical delineation of the characteristics of the soul (chapter thirteen)

3. Penetrating portrayal of the illusions that bind the soul to the world of matter (chapter sixteen)

4. Illuminating account of the various paths of yoga that facilitate the perception and liberation of the soul (chapters three to six)

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