The loose ends never end (Gita Daily)

Published on Oct 13, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 09, Text 33

Many of us delay taking up spiritual life because of the pressures to improve our material life: our finances, fitness and family’s prospects, for example. We tell ourselves, “I know I have to focus on spiritual life. But first I have to fix a few loose ends.”

However, the process of fixing loose ends has no end. By the time we finish fixing our present set of loose ends, a set of earlier-fixed ends become loose and a whole new set of loose ends comes up. The Bhagavad-gita (09.33) acknowledges this permanently problematic nature of the world (anityam asukham lokam) and so urges us to practice devotional service (imam prapya bhajasva mam). Here, the Gita recommends not material pessimism, but intelligent optimism.

To appreciate the Gita’s reasoning we need to look at ourselves from a multi-life perspective. We have spent all our previous lives struggling to fix loose ends and what has that struggle given us? This life’s struggle to fix loose ends. And what will this struggle give us?
Future lifetime(s) of struggles to fix loose ends.

This way, the loose ends will never end.

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