03. Three features of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Chaitanya Charitamrita series, Jagannatheshwari Mataji

Published on Jul 28, 2013

Three features of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu – Chaitanya Charitamrita series

Brief introduction of the speaker: H.G. Jagannatheshwari Devi Dasi is a senior disciple of H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaja. She renders various services including proof reading of Shrimad Bhagvatam(English to Marathi for the last 10 years and is continuing till date.She has reached 10th canto). She also conducts children’s programme (drama and Bhagvad Gita shloka recitation), as a mentor she trains budding devotees in Krishna Consciousness, takes active participation in annual drama’s and kirtan (loves to sing kirtan).

Who is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in this world in 1486, in Mayapur, West Bengal, India. Srila Rupa Goswami has glorified Lord Chaitanya as being the most munificent Lord, because He freely distributed life’s most precious gift — pure love of Godhead. He is praised as being the most merciful Lord because He distributes His mercy without discrimination to all, without any consideration of whether one is qualified or not.Although He is the Supreme Lord, Krishna, He posed as a devotee, and revealed the most sublime sentiments and the natural disposition of a devotee. He taught us by His own example how to establish a connection with the Lord through the practice of pure devotion.When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in this world, He brought His dearest servitors with Him, personalities such as Lord Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Acharya, Sri Gadadhar Pandit, Srivas Thakur, and other exalted associates, and along with these devotees He spread the Yuga-dharma, or the practice most recommended for the attainment of pure love for Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. That process is Harinam Sankirtan, or the congregational chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord:Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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