Vaninath Vipra by Kiran Mataji

Published on Aug 20, 2014

Vaninatha Vipra or Dvija Vaninath was a resident of Canpahati, a village in the district of Burdwan near the town of Navadvipa, the police station of Purvasthali and the post office of Samudragada. The temple there was very much neglected, but it was renovated in the Bengali year 1328 [A.D. 1921] by Sri ParamanandaBrahmacari [one of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s disciples], who reorganized the seva-puja (worship in the temple) and placed the temple under the management of the Sri Caitanya Matha of Sri Mayapur. In the temple as it now exists, the Deity of Sri Gaura-Gadadhara is worshiped strictly according to the principles of the revealed scriptures. Canpahati is two miles away from both Samudragarh and the Navadvipa station of the eastern railway. – See more at:

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