We cannot get pure devotion by mere donation ! Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 29, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16, Text 15

“This person gives liberal donations for charitable causes.” Statements like these are becoming increasingly commonin the public profiles of well-to-do individuals. This trend may inspire more people to become charitable, but potentially for all the wrong reasons.

The Bhagavad-gita (16.15) outlines such a messed up motivation for charity: as a public relations tool to proclaim one’s economic status. Such charity is unenlightened and unfruitful (ity ajnana vimohitah): unenlightened because it ignores the reality that everything that we have belongs to Krishna, and unfruitful because it doesn’t increase our devotion for Krishna, which alone brings life’s greatest happiness.

Of course, what the Gita discourages is not charity per se, but the self-centered, egoistic motivation underlying it.Genuine motivation is critical for external donation to kindle internal devotion. If we want to offer our heart to Krishna, but can’t because it is occupied by wealth, then offering wealth to Krishna is the most real, practical and essential way ahead for us. By such devotionally-motivated donation, we offer a part of our heart to Krishna and thereby offer Krishna a place in our heart. However, if we let the desire to broadcast our financial stature dominate us, then our donation is an offering not so much to Krishna as to our own ego. By such charity, we simply offer one more part of our heart to our ego. Of course, giving donation to Krishna will always benefit us, but the burden of the inflated ego will make our progress towards Krishna slow and labored.

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