What is the purpose of formation, maintenance and destruction of the universe over and over again?

Published on Dec 27, 2014

Question:If after the end of Kali-yuga , Satya-yuga is to come, then what is the purpose of the formation, maintenance and destruction of the universe over and over again?

Answer: The entire purpose of this process of creation, maintenance and destruction is to give the living entities a chance to return back home, back to the Spiritual world which is our eternal home.

But when a jiva wants to enjoy separately from God (Krishna), he is sent to this material world which is created just to facilitate his illusory enjoying mentality.

We are eternally servants of Krishna but when we develop the mood of being a master or an enjoyer we fall down.

Just like our hand, as long as it is connected to the body, it is useful. But when it is separated from the body, it becomes useless.

Similarly as long as we are connected to God,we are valuable but when we separate ourselves,we become worthless.

But the Supreme Lord is very merciful.

He wants all of His parts and parcels to come back to Him.

So He creates this material world and this cycle of yugas and also gives the process in every yuga by which we can go back to Him.

So the first Yuga is Satya-yuga which is a very pious age and people are devotees and most of them make full use of the conducive opportunity to return to the kingdom of God.

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