When materialism dons a religious costume! Subita Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 29, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 42-43

The Bhagavad-gita (2.42-43) deems as undiscriminating (avipashcitah) and short-sighted those people who think that religion has no purpose other than to provide material gains. These people see praying as nothing more than as a method of free or cheap shopping. By holding fast to such a materialistic and utilitarian view of religion, they close the doors that could have led to the development of their spiritual potential. They are largely materialists in a pious garb who neglect the spiritual essence and purpose of religion: reviving love for God.

Gita wisdom prods us to realize that lasting happiness can never come by trying to fulfill specific material desires, as religious materialism tries to do. Why? Because such desires are insatiable and innumerable. Rather, lasting happiness can come only when we repose our love in the eternal and reciprocal object of love, Krishna.
Religious materialism may at times work in terms of satisfying some of our desires, but it never works in terms of satisfying our heart. Why? Because such materialism keeps our vision locked within the material gifts that temporarily satisfy our desires, but blinds us to Krishna, whose love alone can satisfy our heart completely and eternally.

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