When The Good Seems Better Than the Best, Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Sep 21, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 41

When we strive to practice devotional service, the power of illusion is ever-waiting to thwart our efforts. If we are casual about our practice, this power straightforwardly drags us down to anti-devotional temptations. But if we are somewhat serious, then this power subtly distracts us by messing up our priorities, by making us mistake our worldly obligations to be more important than core-devotional activities. When we fall for this ruse, then our devotional determination gets starved. Over time what began as a semi-devotional distraction ends as an anti-devotional destruction.

It’s best to nip such misfortunes in the bud. Whenever the good starts seeming better than the best, we need to see this confusion as a reminder that our intelligence needs a reality check. We can conduct this reality check by comparing our thoughts with scriptural teachings. Pertinently the Bhagavad-gita (02.41) indicates that those on the spiritual path are resolute and one-pointed (vyavasaayatmika-buddhi ekeha). Being one-pointed doesn’t mean that we abandon all our familial, social and professional obligations, but that we intelligently integrate them with the devotional purpose of our life: learning to love Krishna.

Read More – http://www.gitadaily.com/2011/11/17/when-the-good-seems-better-than-the-best/

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