Where are our roots?(Gita Daily), Subita Mataji

Published on Jul 01, 2013

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 16

The Bhagavad-gita (2.16) encourages us to meditate on the difference between the unchanging, the spiritual realm within, and the changing, the material realm without. Gita wisdom further urges us to grow our roots in the world within: in realization of our own spiritual identity and our loving relationship with Krishna.

What exactly are our roots? They are our strongest desires, our foremost priorities and, most of all, our defining notions of reality.

We are normally rooted in matter: in possessions and positions and in pleasures and treasures. Consequently, we find ourselves repeatedly buffeted by the stormy changes that characterize the realm of matter.When we start getting buffeted, our default response is to strive and pray for the end of the storm. If this remains our only response, then we overlook the precious nugget of wisdom that the storm has blown our way. That nugget is: the more external change shakes us, the graver is the reminder that our internal roots are weak and under-developed.

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