Will we create paradise or were we created in paradise? Diksha Mataji (Gita Daily)

Published on Jul 26, 2014

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 08, Text 15

Many technologists feel that hi-tech appliances will gradually provide necessities and luxuries for more and more people. Thus, they posit that we humans will create a technological paradise on earth.

In radical contrast, many environmentalists feel that nature provides for the needs of all its inhabitants through its delicate and intricate harmony. We were created into paradise, they aver, but we are ruining it by our reckless technological interferences into nature’s workings.

Who is right: the technologists or the environmentalists?

Gita wisdom answers, “Neither.”

The Bhagavad-gita (08.15) indicates that our world is intrinsically miserable and temporary. Even at its pristine best, it is no paradise; it is filled with disease, old age and death.
Of course, environmentalists are right about the counterproductive effects of technology. When we try to make things better through technology, we might seem to succeed temporarily, but over time we end up making things worse, not better. This is evident in the imminent specters of pollution, deforestation, desertification, climate change and exhaustion of fossil fuels — most of which originated in our techno-driven attempts to transform this world into paradise. So, technologists have got it wrong to a far greater degree than environmentalists.

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