Is fasting on Ekasdashi one kind of Karma Kanda activity?

Published on Jan 11, 2015

Question: Is fasting on Ekasdashi one kind of Karma Kanda activity?

Answer: The reason why devotees fast on Ekadasi is because Lord Caitanya wanted it.

Lord Caitanya is pleased when devotees follow Ekadasi fast.

In Caitanya-caritamrita, there is a section dealing with this topic.
Adi Adi-lila 15.8-11. Here Lord Caitanya instructs His mother Sacidevi to follow this fast.

If we do not follow this fast, we will get sins.

That does not make this a karma-kanda ritual.

By following karma-kanda rituals, one expects material rewards but devotees follow Ekadasi in order to obtain pure devotional service.

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