CC daily 25 – Madhya Lila 91-94 – Devotee embodies opulence for the Lord, simplicity for oneself

Published on Feb 24, 2015

CC Madhya 4.91
ratri-kale thakurere karaiya sayana
puri-gosañi kaila kichu gavya bhojana
Sri Madhavendra Puri did not eat anything throughout the day, but at night, after laying the Deity down to rest, he took a milk preparation.

CC Madhya 4.92
pratah-kale punah taiche karila sevana
anna laña eka-gramera aila loka-gana
The next morning, the rendering of service to the Deity began again, and people from one village arrived with all kinds of food grains.

CC Madhya 4.93
anna, ghrta, dadhi, dugdha, — grame yata chila
gopalera age loka aniya dharila
The inhabitants of the village brought to the Deity of Gopala as much food grains, ghee, yogurt and milk as they had in their village.

CC Madhya 4.94
purva-dina-praya vipra karila randhana
taiche anna-kuta gopala karila bhojana
The next day, almost as before, there was an Annakuta ceremony. All the brahmanas prepared foods and Gopala accepted them.
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