Chitrakoot – Places to Visit

Published on Dec 21, 2014

Ram Ghat
On the banks of the River Mandakini, and center of ritual activity, this Ghat is the most frequented in Chitrakoot. The “Aarti” performed in the evening is particularly beautiful. During the exile period Rama, Lakshmana and Sita took bath here. It is also known as the place where the sage Tulsidas (who wrote Ramacharitamanas) got darshan of his Lord ram. The devotees usually take a dip here before going for Parikrama and darshan of KamtanathJi. There is a group of temples here on the Ghat which is known as Puri and some devotees go around this group of temples also in the Parikrama. Many important places like RaghavaPrayagGhat,Mattgajendreshwar Swami, ParnaKuti and YagyaVedi are nearby.

The sanskrit word ‘Kamadgiri’ means the mountain which fulfills all the desires. Kamadgiriis a place of prime religious significance. A forested hill, it is skirted all along its base by a chain of
temples and is venerated today as the holy embodiment of Rama. Lord Rama is also known as Kamadnathji which literally means fulfiller of all wishes.The Hill appears like a bow seen from any place in Chitrakoot. The pilgrimage path around this hill is about 5 Km long
A forested hill of prime religious significance, this is believed to be the original Chitrakoot. The Bharat MilapTemple is located here. Pilgrims perform a ritual circumambulation of the hill to seek blessings.
Räma’s brother Bharata had been away from Ayodhyä when Räma was exiled. When Bharata returned, he learned that he was supposed to be the king in Räma’s absence. Greatly disturbed by this news, Bharata went with a large retinue to Chitrakut to ask Räma to come back and rule the kingdom. Today, the Räma-BharataMilap commemorates the spot where they met.

Lakshman Pahadi
A small hillock, parallel to and to the east of the Kamadgiri, about half- way in the Parikrama, is known as LakshmanPahadi. Lakshman used to guard Sri Ram and Sitaji from here, while they rested on the Kamadgiri. There is a Lakshman Temple here and also a Lakshman-Stambh. The visiting pilgrims embrace this pillar with the same reverence as if they were embracing LakshmanJi himself. There is a flight of steps from the ParikramaMarg leading to this hillock.

Saryu Dhara
There is a small streamlet above the fourth Mukharvind of KamtanathJi known as SaryuDhara. It is believed that Hanuman Ji lives here and there is a popular legend that Tulsidas used to recite the Ramayan here everyday before him. The devotees feel spiritually charged after resting here a while

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