Feel-good without think-good and act-good is no good (Gita Daily)

Published on Feb 06, 2014

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 11
By H.G. Chaitanya Charan Das

Some people, especially those influenced by new-age notions, equate spirituality with a feel-good laissez-faire: “Whatever makes you feel good is spiritual — no need to bother about anything else.”
But are our feelings alone reliable arbiters? No, because they are often fickle and fallible. Fickle because the things that seem pleasant at one time stop seeming pleasant after some time, as is seen in how people often change their favorites to unfavorites.

And fallible because pleasant feelings may well mask unpleasant realities, as when the high of narcotic drugs leads to the low of hangovers, addictions and health complications.

No doubt, feelings are important parameters in making decisions. But they don’t deserve monopoly over our decision-making. Why? Because our being is not restricted to feeling alone — it also includes thinking and acting. Authentic spirituality is meant to heal our entire being: thoughts, feelings and actions. Feelings divorced from thoughts and actions are often hallucinatory.

Read More – http://www.gitadaily.com/2014/02/08/feel-good-without-think-good-and-act-good-is-no-good/

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