Guru Seva – Krishna and His Guru

Published on Jan 28, 2014

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GGHS – Gaurhari Deshpande speaks on &quot;Guru Seva&quot; through the story of &quot;Krishna and His Guru&quot; Hare Krishna. I am Gaurhari. Today I am going tell you a story about guruseva. Guruseva means to serve your Guru. The guru of Krishna and Balaram was Sandipani Muni. After completion of Their studies in the Gurukul, They desired to give guru dakshina to their guru. So Krishna and Balaram asked Their Gurumata to ask for gurudakshina from them. Gurumata knew that they were Lords. So Gurumata told them that, Some days ago her son was playing at the banks of the river and he was suddenly drowned. So can you please bring back my son? So They went to the river bank. Krishna told Balaram that I am going in the river. When I call you, you jump and come to me. Then there was a demon, that was fat. Then He killed the demon and told the son of gurumata that I will use you as a conch. Then He called Balaram and went to the King of the river and told the soldiers that I am Krishna and he is my brother Balaram. The King come running and says what do you want my Lord? Krishna says give me the son of Sandipani Muni. So he gives t he son and Krishna gives him to Their Gurumata.</p>
