Guru Seva – Sage Veda Dharma and Disciple Deepak

Published on Jan 28, 2014

GGHS – Uddhav Gokarn speaks on “Guru Seva” through the story of “Sage Veda Dharma and Disciple Deepak”

Guru Seva

Guru means a teacher or master. Guru also means heavy, it is not heavy which you are thinking i.e carrying piles of book on shoulder. No. It means “Heavy in Knowledge”. Heavy with — Spiritual wisdom, spiritual weight, with good quality of scriptures & realizations. Guru is the person who takes us from darkness of ignorance to light of knowledge.

Now I would like to tell you a story of a disciple serving the Guru’s without any self interest. Sage Veddharma had an ashram on the banks of river Godavari. He lived there with many of His disciples. Among them was a disciple named Deepak, who was his favorite. Deepak had utmost
faith in his Guru.

The Sage once thought of testing the devotion of his disciples. He called all his disciples and told them, “In my previous birth, I committed a great sin. I have to bear the consequences of it. By doing spiritual practice in this birth, I have depleted some of it. But the remaining part of it has to be borne by me soon. It will affect my body in the form of a disease. I intend to stay in Kashi (a place in north India) during this period. Is anyone among you ready to come with me and serve my diseased body?” Hearing this, all the disciples remained silent except Deepak, who immediately replied, “Gurudev, I am ready to come to Kashi and serve you.” The Guru replied, “Think twice before you commit to this. I will be in the diseased state, being blind and lame, for almost 2 years. Till then you will have to serve me.” Deepak thought for a moment and said, “Gurudev, can I take your disease and stay in Kashi instead of you?” Hearing Deepak’s words, the Sage was pleased and said, “No, you cannot, since each one has to bear the consequences of ones own deeds.”

After a few days both of them left for Kashi.Within few days of reaching Kashi, the Sage’s body started decaying. There were boils all over his body, his eyesight became weak, his movement was restricted. Deepak served his Guru truthfully and wholeheartedly. He helped his Guru in all his mundane activities. Sometimes Sage Veddharma would get angry with Deepak for no particular reason, but still Deepak remained calm and continued to serve the sage without any complaint.

Seeing Deepak’s true Gurubhakti , Lord Shiva was pleased with and appeared before him. He said, “Ask for a boon and I shall fulfill your desire.” Deepak replied, “I will ask my Guru about it.” Deepak asked his Guru whether he should ask Lord Shiva to cure him of the disease. Sage Veddharma replied in the negative. So Deepak told Lord Shiva accordingly.

After a few days, Lord Vishnu appeared before him, praised him for his Gurubhakti and offered to grant him a boon. He replied, “Oh Lord! If you wish to grant me a boon, please grant me that my Gurubhakti increases.” Lord Vishnu said, “You saw God in your Guru and served Him. You have proved that God and Guru are one and the same. You have thus increased the importance of both. I shower you with my blessings!” Thus, Deepak continued to serve his Guru. Sage Veddharma was very pleased with Deepak that he had passed the test. He blessed him and said, “You are my one true disciple.May you live long and your fame spread far and wide.”

In today’s world we cannot do the seva what Deepak did to his Guru. Atleast what we can do is to spread the message and instruction by our Guru and his parampara. So let’s strive for it and make the whole world full of Krishnites.

Thank you very much
Hare Krishna
By Uddhav Gokarn
Class –V th Std
