Materialism reduces us to the level of spoiled children (Gita Daily)

Published on Feb 05, 2015

Based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter 02, Text 44, By Chaitanya Charan Das (
Article – When spoiled children get infatuated with a toy, they demand it from their parents. Even if they have been given many other things, they evaluate their parents’ love through just one criterion: “If you love me, you will give me that toy; if you don’t, you don’t love me.”

Infatuation with materialism reduces us to the level of spoiled children in our relationship with Krishna. We often crave for a particular thing – a smarter phone, a faster car, a bigger house. Consciously or subconsciously, this craving can worm its way into our prayers to Krishna and even take center-stage there. If we don’t get that thing, we may start doubting his love, and slacken or even abandon our devotional practices, thinking that our time will be better used elsewhere. Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita (02.44) warns that material attachments steal our spiritual determination.

To appreciate their parent’s love, spoiled children need to outgrow their infatuation with toys. Children who live responsibly start seeing what all their parents have done for them. Similarly, to appreciate Krishna’s love, we need to spiritually outgrow our infatuation with material things.

Gita wisdom stimulates such growth by illumining our identity – we are not just physical bodies, but are spiritual beings encased in physical bodies. Our bodies have basic needs and, just as loving parents provide for their children’s needs, Krishna provides through nature for our bodily needs – heat, light, air, water and food. But more importantly, we can find lasting fulfillment not in bodily aggrandizement, but in spiritual enrichment of everlasting love – love for Krishna.

When we seek such enrichment by practicing bhakti-yoga steadily, we realize that Krishna has made himself constantly available through his remembrance and through various devotional manifestations that stimulate his remembrance. As we relish his remembrance and appreciate his love, worldly aggrandizement becomes irrelevant.

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