News – Cultural Youth Festival By ISKCON Ludhiana

Published on Mar 31, 2015

For the first time in history of Punjab a cultural youth festival was conducted by ISKCON Ludhiana at the famous Lovely Professional University in which more than 400 Engineering students participated. Program was inaugurated by Mr Singhla (Director General ) and other faculty members amidst a warm lamp lighting ceremony.
Program started with a video show presenting nationwide activities of IYF (Youth wing of ISKCON).
Next in line was a seminar on “The World Cup of Life” by His Grace Sundar Gopal Prabhu, an inspirational speaker who through his powerful and intellectual presentation enlightened everyone about absolute importance of accepting spirituality for real peace and satisfaction. Quoting the present day statics he alarmed youth how material education without spiritual knowledge has resulted in modern day problems of crimes and suicides. Stressing on the need of understanding the real goal of human life he rekindled the dormant vision among youth of the country. Impressed by the inspirational speech, Mr. Singhla, Director General of Lovely professional university thanked ISKCON devotees for organizing such a wonderful program in his concluding address.
Following the seminar a drama was conducted on the theme “Me and my Mind “ depicting how an uncontrolled mind deprived of vedic knowledge can only result in confusion and disaster. Finally most awaited moment of the program (rock show kirtan) arrived in which all the participant danced with ebullience on the tunes of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Program concluded with a sumptuous and delicious feast served to all …It was a memorable event for all and students are waiting for more such programs in future. This festival overall organized under the excellent direction of HG Narottamanand Das, Temple president of Ludhiana and Sadhu Jivan Das, ISKCON YOUTH FORUM Director, Ludhiana.

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