News – Grammy Nominee Krishna Das Visits ISKCON Delhi

Published on Feb 11, 2015

Krishna Das or KD as his famously called in the Kirtan and Yoga circles and a Grammy-award nominated singer, visited ISKCON’s Glory of India project in New Delhi last week while on a visit to the country’s capital.

Krishna Das, who was accompanied by his tabla player Arjun Bruggeman, on entering the temple hall went to pay obeisances to Srila Prabhupada, founder-acharya of ISKCON. The singer later recalled his association with Srila Prabhupada when he would go to join the kirtans at Tompkins Square Park in New York in the late 60’s.

Krishna Das performed an arati to the presiding deities of Sri Sri Radha Parthasarathi and appreciated the beautiful paintings of Lord’s pastimes which were displayed in various corners of the temple hall.

After the initial tour of the temple hall, Krishna Das and Arjun were met by ISKCON’s Governing Body Commissioner, Jayapataka Swami, who thanked them for coming and invited them to visit Mayapur, a center of pilgrimage in India where the kirtan movement began 500 years ago.

The guests spent the later part of their visit honoring prasadam, sacred food, and recollecting their exchanges with other devotees of ISKCON.

[For more details, visit –,4792/]

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