Parasurama The Lords Warrior Incarnation, Radhanath Swami, ISKCON Chowpatty

Published on Dec 18, 2011

Parasurama The Lords Warrior IncarnationRadhanath Swami On @ ISKCON Chowpatty Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 09 Chapter 15 Verse 16 On 06 March 2011

SB 9.15.16
kim tad amho bhagavato
rajanyair ajitatmabhih
krtam yena kulam nastam
ksatriyanam abhiksnasah

Word for word: 
sri-raja uvaca — Maharaja Pariksit inquired; kim — what; tat amhah — that offense; bhagavatah — unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead; rajanyaih — by the royal family; ajita-atmabhih — who could not control their senses and thus were degraded; krtam — which had been done; yena — by which; kulam — the dynasty; nastam — was annihilated; ksatriyanam — of the royal family; abhiksnasah — again and again.

King Pariksit inquired from Sukadeva Gosvami: What was the offense that the ksatriyas who could not control their senses committed before Lord Parasurama, the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for which the Lord annihilated the ksatriya dynasty again and again?

Radhanath Swami On "Parasurama The Lords Warrior Incarnation" @ ISKCON 

Chowpatty Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 09 Chapter 15 Verse 16 On 06 March 2011

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